Monthly Archives: May 2013

Ten Tips for Building an Employee Recognition Program

Looking for a way to improve your employee recognition efforts? Many companies know all about the benefits of recognition—boosted morale, improved teamwork, drastically lower turnover—but don't know where to start or how to sustain an effective program. We compiled 10 of our favorite tips and even c [...]

2013-05-22T10:34:22-05:00May 22nd, 2013|0 Comments

The "Elevator Speech" Corporate Culture

Every company has an elevator speech. A few choice words that condense all your hard work into something that will hopefully pique someone's interest. In a lot of ways, it’s ground zero for corporate culture. Try to describe your company in 140 characters or less. What do you talk about? Your produc [...]

2013-05-28T14:00:24-05:00May 28th, 2013|0 Comments
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