Monthly Archives: October 2016

Employee Wellness: Reducing Costs and Increasing Engagement

It’s a trend we’ve seen for a while: In 2016, healthcare costs are expected to rise 6.5 percent, far surpassing the rate of inflation. With no end in sight, employers are working intently to find ways to reduce these costs. At the top of the list is employee wellness. Poor health costs the U.S. $1.8 [...]

2018-01-29T15:40:51-06:00October 26th, 2016|0 Comments

Turn Down the Lights and Turn Up the Creativity

Have you ever walked into a coworker’s office and notice that they have the lights turned off? For many of us, it’s a natural tendency to want turn the lights on. After all, we’ve been told all our life that reading in the dark can harm your eyes. Before you flip on that light switch, you might want [...]

2020-02-27T12:36:59-06:00October 24th, 2016|1 Comment
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