Monthly Archives: December 2012

Five Interviewing and Recruiting Tips for Recent Grads

Our VP of Creative Services, Saul Torres, has over 20 years of experience reviewing portfolios from students across the country. He taught at Texas A&M Commerce and Southern Methodist University, and he was in charge of the Dallas Society of Communications Student Show. He also earned a Master o [...]

2012-12-22T15:22:29-06:00December 22nd, 2012|0 Comments

Giving Your Employees a Seat at the Decision-Making Table

In a recent New York Times article, Jim Whitehurst, president and chief executive of Red Hat, gave his thoughts on employee engagement and social media. As an open-source technology provider, the company is no stranger to the concept of online collaboration and idea sharing. So the idea of using soc [...]

2012-12-12T10:18:34-06:00December 12th, 2012|0 Comments
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